Sunday, August 16, 2020

Bible Blog Post - August 16, 2020

Nehemiah 11:1-12:26

1 Corinthians 10:14-33

Psalm 34:11-22

Proverbs 21:14-16

The Lord has shown His favor on me more times than I can even recognize.  This past week I have been thinking about how many times the Lord kept me out of harm's way, times when I could have easily been hurt and led further astray than I already was.  There were trials that I endured that didn't make sense, that didn't seem fair, but as I look back at what beautiful horizons those tribulations led to, I recognize that I am extremely blessed.  God didn't give up on me, no matter how many wrong turns I made.  

You see, God loves us so much that He allows us to experience growth in meaningful and long lasting ways.  Sometimes it does not seem fair, but in all honesty, if we got what we deserve, we wouldn't be headed to eternal life in His kingdom.  It's because of His love and Grace that we are given that opportunity.  We don't deserve it, we didn't earn it, it's His Grace, His gift.  During these trials we may plead for change, but it's a beautiful thing to recognize and embrace that He has it all under control.  Our responsibility is not to know everything that He has planned for us, our responsibility is to trust in Him and His plan.  When we walk in faith and walk in His Word, we need not worry.  His vision, His plan for our lives, is far greater than anything we could possibly envision for ourselves.

In Psalm 34, we see how tentative the Lord is to those who are righteous, how he draws toward the broken hearted and has mercy on them.  He is a loving father, Our loving Father, and while he is tender, he demands respect.  I see how much he has helped me along my walk as a Christian woman, and how much more progress I've made in certain areas when my focus was on Him.  It seems so simple in theory, but I'm sure we can all attest to how challenging it is to put our feelings in check at times and lean into His Word, His wisdom, His truth.  As I have been able to do that, I've seen monumental changes in my life, and I am learning to see the beauty in challenges that I face because it is during those times that I am more aware of how much Glory He pours into my life on a daily basis, and how much LOVE He has for me.

This week I pray that we all take quiet time each day to think of those difficult times that tried us, how the Lord showed His mercy on us, and how He paved the way for a better future.  Even in our toughest of days, we can find joy in His love and in His presence.  

Dear Lord, thank you for allowing us to wake up and breathe life today.  Thank you for our ability to read your Word without fear of punishment.  Thank you for allowing us to live in a society where we can access your Word easily.  Please continue to be a major influence in our daily lives so that we can take on challenges with the confidence and trust that You will pull us through. Amen.

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