Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Blog post 10th March

Blog post 10th March 2020

Numbers 14:1-5:16

Mark 14: 53-72


Proverbs 11:4



I have spent my days with a few different types of friends and family and their seems to be a lot of atheism going on where there never used to be. We have all sinned and due to sin, no person can find God on his own. Only God can save us. When we die we refer to the day of wrath on judgement day each person will stand alone accountable for all his/her deeds. At that time no amounts of riches or charitable donations will buy reconciliation with God. On that day only love for God and obedience to him will count. Those who put their faith in Jesus will find their sins forgiven and accounts settled, Thank you Jesus.


People may say their is no god in order to cover their sin and define their own morality. They want to have an excuse to continue to sin and ignore the judge with no fear of his judgement. God love us all and wants a relationship with everyone. He gives us opportunities to turn from our sinful lifestyles to live for him.

However, we can see many people try to control their own lives, they may convince themselves that their is no God. They may set their own morals and become their own gods. When their lives end and God passes judgement it will be to late to apologize. When we set up our own morals to rule our lives, we become self sufficient and there will be no room for serving others. Many people are watching, think of the reputation you give God and the way you live. What your friends and neighbors think about God is more important than what they think about you.

Moses asked God to have mercy on the people who were being rebellious and prayed for those whom he was most angry. Do we pray for those who try hurt you? Or do we seek revenge. It's not our job to seek revenge. God will do that through justice.


We reach our own level of self-actualization when we help others. How can we help others give love to those who need it . To be honest and straightforward before God and family is simpler, easier and safer in the long run. I Pray that people don't forget Gods character, that they spend less time complaining and moving forward. May we trust God to handle all situations of life and keep trusting in God as you reach your goal no matter how frightening or tough it may be . May we evaluate any advice you receive weather we like it or not and compare it to Gods word. Our God is patient, his love is one promise we can always count on. God forgives again and again, he is merciful. May we pray for the unbelievers, obey and serve God.



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