Thursday, March 7, 2019

Thursday, March 7


"'But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  Be on guard!  Be alert!  You do not know when that time will come.  It's like a man going away:  He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch." (Mark 13:32-34)

Do you like reading about mysterious events or unsolved mysteries?  These topics invite speculation and make for exciting documentaries, with opinions coming from various experts—even better when those experts disagree and spark greater debate.

God has created us with a deep-seated curiosity, a passion for discovering truth.  We value the opportunity to delve into the unknown, seeking out truth and greater understanding.  Each of us carries at least some excitement towards detective work.  This desire of our hearts helps to draw us closer to God and to receive a greater portion of His revelation.  Just this week, I was amazed at a friend's hunger to read the Scriptures to know God better.  We give thanks because God does reveal Himself when we seek Him, and we understand that eternal life centers around knowing God (John 17:3).

As our brother Antonio shared on Sunday morning, however, Christ-followers have sometimes gotten off track with regard to Jesus's Second Coming.  They have become enamored with speculating on the unknown rather than concentrating on the known.  That is, writers and pastors have taken bold steps of predicting specific times, events, and circumstances surrounding Jesus's return.

While the Scriptures do indicate that troubled times will precede His return, Jesus Himself expands that we can't know the "day or hour."  We shouldn't spend our effort trying here!  In other words, please avoid being caught up in mystery.  Rather, we should focus on the known facts and live accordingly.

As Jesus highlights, we should consider this era of the Church as a time of watchfulness.  In the office setting, we may find ourselves reveling in our "freedom" when our supervisor takes some time away.  "When the cat's away, the mice will play."  In one setting, a very helpful assistant would give a heads-up on the boss's return:  "The Eagle has landed!"

In contrast to our natural tendencies, we are called to live purposefully and watchfully as we await Christ's return:  by seeking God, loving others, and making disciples.  Personally, it means keeping clear accounts:  forgiving others, confessing our sins to God and others, and avoiding unnecessary entrapments.  We also should take advantage of time and resources to deepen our relationship with God by reading His Word, talking with Him in prayer, worshiping Him, and serving Him and others in practical ways.  We stay active and ready because the day and hour are indeed unknown.

What are you anticipating today?  How could you embrace this spirit of watchfulness, to God's glory and the blessing of His people?

Lord God, thank You for revealing Jesus Christ to us and helping us to come into relationship with You.  Thank You also for giving us spirits of curiosity.  Give us the wisdom to incline our curiosity towards knowing You better.  Help us to maintain watchfulness in these days of waiting.  Give us opportunities to serve You and others today.  In Jesus's mighty Name, amen.

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