Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8

March 8, 2019

Psalm 51

Brokenness is the pathway to healing. Only those who are truly repentant will find the restoration of their hearts. David is writing this Psalm after a huge scandal in his life. You 've heard of Watergate; well, this is Adulterygate.

There are several notable truths here:

Don't hide the transgression. If we have the courage to confess it, God has the power to forgive it. There is healing in confession.

God is rich in mercy and grace.

God can turn apparent tragedies into triumphs, this includes our sin.

God is the God of second chances. No sin, no failure needs to be final or fatal.

One of my favorite stories took place during the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day, 1929. Georgia Tech was playing California and late in the second quarter, Roy Regals recovered a fumble for California.  In his excitement, he became confused and started running in the wrong direction. After racing 65 yards he was finally tackled by his own player at the California 2-yard line. California attempted to punt from deep in their own end zone, but the kick was blocked, and Georgia Tech scored a safety.

In the locker room at half time, Roy Regals sat in the corner with his face buried in his hands, crying. The room was silent. The coach didn't make his usual halftime speech, but shortly before the team was to take the field for the second half, he said, "The starting team is going back onto the field to begin the second half."

The whole team left the locker room except for Regals, who remained in the corner with his face in his hands. "I can't do it, Coach," he said. "I can't play. I ruined the team." The coach said, "Get up, Regals. The game is only half over. You belong on the field."

I have discovered this amazing truth about the gospel: the freest people in the world are those who do not hide their mistakes and sins, but trust God to make something beautiful of them. Walk in freedom today. The coach still wants you on the field.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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