Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday, September 14


"I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin.  I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ." (Galatians 1:11,12)

In Galatians 1, Paul shares about his start in Gospel ministry and gives several convincing proofs about the validity of the Gospel.  He unashamedly points to his previous work of persecuting the Church and how he had achieved great heights in Judaism.  Yet, God chose to reveal His Son to Paul on the road to Damascus, thereby changing the course of history.

Paul took this initial revelation and continued growing in the faith.  He steeled himself for the Gospel ministry and willingly endured great persecution and suffering, just as he had administered before.  He logically implies the question, "Why would I be willing to take this course for something that I made up?"  Such a course would be purely delusional -- and utterly worthless.  Instead, Paul claims the eternal power of the Gospel because of its divine source.

Paul's recounting does highlight the grave importance of remaining true to the Gospel.  Other messages will fade and wither, but the Gospel stands firm forever.  It is the power of God for salvation, leading people to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Name under heaven by which we are saved. (Romans 1:16,17; Acts 4:12). Trying to change the Gospel to become more acceptable to human ears doesn't lead to godly outcomes.  It is implausible and uncomfortable to our ears, but it is the path to life.

May we cling to the Gospel and, like Paul, give our lives to seeing its spread in our midst.

Lord God, thank You for spreading the Gospel through Your Church and Your servants throughout the ages.  Help us to understand Your truth and to live it daily.  Give us opportunities to share these life-giving words with our families, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.  May You be greatly glorified in us, as we rejoice in knowing You.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

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