Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 11

 "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife." (Proverbs 17:1)


This verse made me think of how valuable peace is. My father was sick for a few weeks, and, even though his condition got worse, he postponed seeing a doctor. The other night, my mother had to call an ambulance because his condition was critical. He was hospitalized. I am an only child, and I feel very responsible for my parents. They live in Romania. After an exhausting day, of calling and worrying, as I was lying in bed, a great sadness and despair came upon me. I pictured my dad in a hospital bed, in a small city in Romania, scared and alone. I felt so sad, powerless, and guilty that I was so far away.


Just as my eyes were tearing up, Isaiah 49:15,16 came to my mind: "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion  on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."


My father was not alone nor abandoned. God the Father was with him!  He was in great company and deeply loved. The picture of my father alone and scared was a lie from the enemy trying to steal my peace. Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), who came to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10)


I've read somewhere that "the mind feasts on what it focuses on. What consumes my thinking will be the making or breaking of my identity." There is a spiritual battle over our minds. Indeed, as I focused on God's Word, my sadness vanished, and, once again, I was reminded of the Father's unconditional and unfailing love. I have found peace! Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), and, every time we choose Him over the Satan's lies, we encounter the promise of the peace that transcends all understanding and guards our minds and hearts. (Philippians 4:7).


Thank you, Jesus! Help us to always focus our minds on You, -and your Word- no matter how strong the wind and how frightening the waves are!


In Christ,



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