Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday, April 7

Today's passages offer a poignant contrast between God's enduring faithfulness and presence and mankind's wavering heart. As the Israelites stand ready to capture the Promised Land, Moses receive instruction to pass along to his protégé Joshua, urging him to remain "courageous" in light of God's promises never to "leave" or "forsake" this new leader.
Likewise, Hebrews 13:5 repeats this promise, generalizing it for all believers. Indeed, the enduring presence of God marks the character of the eternal life that begins at the moment of our trusting in Christ and turning away from our sins towards Him. Great spiritual leaders throughout Biblical and Christian history have recognized that this presence has no substitute in worldly protection – whether through military armament or intellectual sophistication. This presence superintendent all worldly forces and brings peace and joy to all those ready to "be still and know that He is God."
In Jesus's parable about the increasing storehouses, He emphasizes a crucial distraction that we all face in recognizing and celebrating God's presence and committing our lives to serving His Kingdom. The natural materialism of our spirits thwarts God's purposes in our lives, as we become over-involved with the material, to the detriment of the spiritual. As a case in point, in our greater New York area, we all find ourselves "squeezed" for time between our many commitments. Yet, the real issue revolves around our prioritization of these commitments. Without setting these commitments before the Lord and seeking His direction, we will face disappointment. With His guidance and direction, however, we may experience joy, even in the face of opposition or struggle, because we may lean back on the confidence that comes from His presence. Where do your priorities stand today? How has the Lord directed you in this area?
While Jesus encourages us to "seek His Kingdom," the world definitely wars against this idea. Every inkling of the world's system pushes us to exalt the self, the here-and-now, and pleasure over the self-sacrificial love for which God created us. The Israelites would display these tendencies, even early after reaching the Promised Land, turning after foreign gods and becoming mired in sexual sin and spiritual abandonment.
I marvel at God's foreknowledge of His people's unfaithfulness and yet His consistent love and grace to us. The depth of compassion and unconditional love galls our sensibilities; we would never (in our natural spirits) treat others with the same attitude.
These readings call to mind Romans 5:8: "For God demonstrates His love for us in this: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." And 2 Corinthians 5:21: "He made Him Who knew no sin to become sin on our behalf so that, in Him, we might become the righteousness of God." What an amazing and gracious God we serve! It is awe-inspiring to know that, despite our sin, He has embraced us and brought us into His household. We are sons and daughters of the living and reigning King!
May we express gratitude and experience joy as we reflect on His presence and faithfulness today!
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your amazing sacrifice of love on our behalf. We are floored by Your love, even in the face of our unfaithfulness. Send Your Spirit into our hearts so that we might more fully grasp Your Kingdom purposes in our lives and set our priorities aright to that end. Give us grace in handling the struggles and opposition that come in this world, and allow us to demonstrate Your love through our lives. In Your precious Name, amen.
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