Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11

Amos 5 


Did you notice the repeated phrase in Amos today?

Seek me and live.

Seek the Lord and live.

Seek good, not evil.

Proper seeking is the secret to the abundant life. What we seek reveals where our heart is and what it desires. So what is our culture seeking today?


Here are Yahoo's top searches of 2015

  1. Bobbi Kristina Brown
  2. iPhone
  3. Caitlyn Jenner
  4. Kendall Jenner
  5. Minecraft
  6. Jennifer Aniston
  7. Kim Kardashian
  8. Katy Perry
  9. Ronda Rouse

10.   Farrah Abraham


There you have it, the most objective way to see the heart of our culture. What a sad commentary on where we are.


During Advent we are reminded of what was on the search list of the Wise men 2000 years ago. It was a short list with only one item on it. That one item was "search for the King." Their list should be our list too. The number one item of each day is to seek to spend time with King Jesus. It is not a complicated search. It takes time to quiet our hearts but once they are quiet we read His Word and then we speak to Him through prayer. We also sit in solitude and allow his Spirit to whisper in our thoughts. We all know that this is what we should do. The key is actually doing it. When these holy habits actually become the practice of our daily lives, then we will experience God's richest blessings in life.


"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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