Sunday, August 2, 2020

Bible Blog Post - August 2, 2020

2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13

Romans 15:23-16:9

Psalm 25:16-22

Proverbs 20:16-18

God knows what is in our hearts, and He loves us enough to test us when needed.  Our true character comes out during these times, and we are each given opportunities for tremendous growth in our lifetime and throughout each storm that we go through.  This weekend, I listened to a song that talked about how we can be in a storm, but the storm doesn't have to be in us.  It really stood out to me and brought me comfort.  No matter what life throws at us, no matter what storm we are in, we can be so filled with God that the storm doesn't have a chance of entering us and dismantling our peace.  By reading the Bible and growing in our faith, we are also growing our resilience.  

In 2 Chronicles 32, Hezekiah secured himself in his faith and trust in the Lord, and the Lord favored him and the people of Judah.  Sennacherib was waging war against Judah, and trying to discourage and deceive the people.  He told them that gods from other lands had not been victorious over his predecessors, and that the God of Israel would be no different.  However, Hezekiah deflected Sennacherib's words and encouraged his people to trust in God.  Hezekiah and Isaiah called out to the Lord and prayed about what was occurring.  Then, an angel was sent down to destroy the fighting men from the Assyrian army and Sennacherib went home in defeat.

People may ridicule you, they may threaten you and your surroundings, they may try to turn others against you, they may try to get you to doubt your father and your creator, but no matter what opposition we may face, we can stand in full confidence knowing that we are loved and protected by the most high God.

Dear Lord, please help us to hear Your truth and not be deceived by our circumstances or surroundings.  Please guide us during our bible readings and help us to gain the clarity and wisdom that you intend for us to have.  Your Word is our navigation system for life.  As we lean into you and give you our full trust, we will be better able to stay on the course that you have laid out for us.  

God, thank you for your loving Grace, and thank you for being our Heavenly Father.


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