1 Chronicles 1:18 - "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who being saved it is the power of God"
Paul begins here by dividing the world into two groups of people: those who are perishing and those who are being saved. The ones being saved are destined to spend eternity with God, and the ones who aren't, well we know what happens to them and it is to those people the message of the cross is foolishness. Interestingly enough the original Greek word used here for foolishness is mōria, from the same root word forming English words such as moron. What I believe Paul is saying is that to the unsaved world, those who are blind to who Jesus is and have no spiritual awakening through the power of Holy Spirit, the people who preach the gospel look like idiots. If you think about it, back in Paul's day, even after Jesus's crucifixion, the cross remained in widespread use by the Romans as a means of public execution. It was a symbol of shameful crimes and powerlessness before the irresistible Roman empire, so why would anyone choose to subject themselves to that? It wasn't that the Greeks and Romans were atheists. In truth, they believed in all kinds of gods and sorted them by the power they wielded over nature and humanity. They just didn't believe Jesus was who He said He was. Therefore, the cross of Christ was foolish to the pagan culture because Jesus Christ was rejected by His own people and crucified like any other common criminal and from the Greek and Roman perspective, that was no way to worship God. Now for those touched by the Spirit who believed and put their faith in Christ, the cross was understood to be God's most powerful act. The thin line between what seems foolish to some and truth to others lies in seeing that God's Son did not lose a fight with the Jewish leaders or the Roman government. He wasn't overpowered or outmatched. God the Father sacrificed His Son Jesus for human sin. Jesus, in spite of limitless power and authority, gave up His life to cover the sins of those who were perishing. For those who don't see it, they are still perishing. To those who receive this truth, they find hope in Jesus knowing that they will spend eternity with God. I know who I'm praying for. If you are praying for perishing loved ones, please let me know. I will stand in prayer with you.
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