Job 8:1-11:20
1 Corinthians 15:1-28
Psalm 38:1-22
Proverbs 21:28-29
There are people in this world that believe in karma, or "what goes around comes around" and "we get what we deserve"; in other words, if you do good, good will come back to you, and if you do wrong, it'll come back to get you. This mentality reminds me of Job's friend's view on his circumstance. While Job was mourning his losses and suffering through his afflictions, his friends, who meant well, couldn't get past their own understanding of God's will. They accused Job of having done something to merrit the punishment he was receiving, despite Job's claims of being blameless. In their opinion, Job wouldn't be enduring what he was if he hadn't done something wrong.
God is the author of our lives, and Job understood this. His plea was simply for the pain and suffering to end, as he was growing impatient with how much he had to endure. He understood that God has the power to do anything, including putting trials in your life to test you. The key thing is to maintain unwavering faith through challenging times.
God truly loves us and wants the best for us, but sometimes we go through experiences that just don't make sense. There may be long, uncomfortable seasons that we face, but in these times we should look back at how Job remained faithful and patient during his time of extreme hardship.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for all the blessings that you provide to us each day; both the ones we are aware of and those that take place behind the scenes. We understand that times of suffering lead to times of growth, both in faith and in character, just as Job experienced during his trials. You are all-knowing and loving and would only place challenges in our lives that you know we can get through and grow from. Thank you for being ever-present and always listening to our pleas through our trials.
Amanda and Anthony
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