Proverbs 21:5 - The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty
I looked this verse up in different Bible translations and they all basically conveyed the same thought - if you plan things well they have a better chance of working towards your advantage, and when you rush into things, it costs you dearly. It sounds so simple and logical. Maybe this verse stood out to me because Antonio, the boys and I were sitting around the table the other day talking about how it's been almost a year since we went to Virginia to see the food truck we were investing in for our new business. There was a lot of planning and many ups and downs in the journey. As I reflected over the process I realized that a major piece in the diligent planning of this venture was prayer. So as I read today's verse I came to the understanding that "profit" means so much more than what the numbers on a balanced profit and loss statement reveal. Profit is when God opens doors that no man close, and when we slip and fall the same God will pick us up and put us back on track. Profit is knowing that God is involved with what you're doing and we rest in His peace trusting He will provide. Thank you Jesus. I would just like to encourage everyone in this - diligent planning which leads to profit includes fervent prayer on your knees.
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