Friday, July 3, 2020

July 3: The Elevator Pitch / A Guessing Game

2 Kings 22:3-23:30

Acts 21:37-22:16

Psalm 1:1-6

Proverbs 18:11-12

Do you know what an elevator pitch is?  Wikipedia (which, frankly, I don't care to use often) has a pretty good definition.  It's "a short description of an idea, product or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time."  The concept was you found yourself unexpectedly in an elevator with some senior hoo-hah at your firm, and you wanted them to listen to your idea.  You had to know it really well, in and out, rehearsed, even lived.  Here's an example:

      "Most tourists booking online care about price- and hotels are one of the highest costs for when traveling.  On the other hand, platforms like Couchsurfing have proven that over half a million people are willing to lend their couches or spare bedrooms.

     We have created a platform that connects travelers with locals, letting them rent our rooms, or even entire places. Travelers save money, and locals can monetize their empty rooms- we just take a 10% commission.

     How does that sound?"

What company do you think that was?  If you didn't, I am pretty sure the guy who made that pitch knew his business in and out.  Knew why it would be interesting.  And was passionate about it.  

In today's reading, we actually see another example of an elevator pitch.  Perhaps, because there were no elevators then, and you had to walk up the stairs, the pitch was a bit longer.  But the person pitching was even more passionate, even more convicted in what he was selling.  The pitch goes into tomorrow's reading, but by the time he is done, you know he was an educated, zealous Jew so convinced the Way was wrong, who converted following an encounter with God, who then sent him to preach to the Gentiles.  

It's tough to be as convicted in our faith as Paul was.  But perhaps we might follow his example, and remind ourselves of what we believe, and why.  We never know when the Lord might put us in a position to make an elevator pitch for the BEST THING EVER.  

Father, give us conviction we can express when You present us with the opportunity.  Put the words in our mouth to make the best Salvation Elevator Pitch we could possibly make. 

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