Friday, July 24, 2020

July 24: In Turning Knowledge in the Head to Belief in the Heart

2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22
Romans 8:26-39
Psalm 18:37-50
Proverbs 19:27-29

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

The verse above, from today's NT reading, is easy to agree with.  Well, in my head, anyway.  And in the light of day, when my circumstances are good, and things are going my way. 

But when things go dark and sideways - when my wife and I quarrel, for example; or work isn't going well, however hard I try; when a loved one is sick, or a friend dies, or one of my children is struggling with something I just cannot fix - then, it isn't so easy.  Isn't so easy?  Let's be honest - then, it gets really difficult to take that verse I know in my head, and believe it in my heart.  

When things are tough, what could be so difficult to believe?  For starters, that God loves me.  Or that He is in control.  Or that He knows what He is doing.  Or that He couldn't possibly be letting all this happen because He's decided He's had enough of my sinfulness.  That all this is for my good.  

Writing today's blog - well, yesterday's really - it's past midnight here - I had to think hard about this.  Why?  Why is it so difficult?  A couple of reasons came to mind.  

"…those who love Him".  Maybe that's where the problem is.  Maybe I don't really love God yet.  Maybe I am still far too in love with the world, and what it offers; I seek its approval, I seek happiness where the world says it is to be found - in money, in success, in approval, in prestige.  

"…according to His purpose".  Or maybe that's where the problem is.  Because I don't want to live according to His purposes - I still want to live according to mine.  Maybe the problem is I want what I want, and I want it how I want it.  And what I want - well, maybe that goes back to the first problem - what I want confirms to the world, not to Him.  

Maybe, just maybe, if I actually learn to love Him instead, and want what He wants instead of what I want, maybe it'll be easier to know that everything DOES work for my good, however difficult the circumstances, however much I would have preferred something else.

Father, I want to believe, and to be comforted by the belief that all things - however difficult, however painful - work to my good, and to the good of those I love.  Teach me to know You and to love You; teach me to want what You want for me.  So that, maybe then, when adversity strikes, I will know You are in control, and I can be at peace.  

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