Sunday, July 19, 2020

Bible Blog Post - July 19, 2020

1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30

Romans 5:6-21

Psalm 15:1-5

Proverbs 19:18-19

One of the wonderful things about being a Christian is that our God loves us so much that he promises us many things.  As human beings, we tend to make and break promises.  Even something as sacred as wedding vows can be broken; but, God never falls short of what He has proclaimed.  In happy times, or in storms, we can always rely on His Word to carry us through.  It is timeless, it is limitless, it is true.  Today's reading had me take a look at my own priorities and what I make time for, as well as how much faith I have in Him.  It can be difficult to imagine a beautiful sunset on the horizon when there are mountains blocking the view, but it is our belief in Our Father Almighty that carries us through.  As David stepped down as king and Solomon stepped into position, we see a harmonious shift of power and authority.  Solomon was chosen by God to build the temple.  David had the plans, the outline, the Holy Spirit had provided him with the details that were needed, but it wasn't he who would complete this task.  Instead, God chose Solomon, someone who was young and inexperienced to fulfill this duty.  Isn't that interesting; even though Solomon lacked the experience that someone else may have had, he obtained something greater - God's support!  I think back to when I first considered teaching.  I wasn't sure if I had the confidence to be a teacher; certainly not with the older kids like 5th grade.  Some of my coworkers encouraged me, they believed in me, and fast forward to a memorable 5th grade student teaching experience.  I had a cooperating teacher who was incredible.  She gave support, but she did not spoon feed me.  I had to work hard, but she was there.  I think of her, a human being with a big heart full of compassion, and think about Our Father who loves us more than humanly possible.  God spoke that profession into my heart and He led me on a journey that would prepare me for where I am today.  It was challenging, but with His love and guidance I succeeded.

In 1 Chronicles, David highlights how everything that we have is because God was gracious enough to provide us with it.  He made offerings of his own fortune, but he knew that it was only his because of God.  He was an exemplar for others, and it is important for David to continue to be an exemplar for us today.  Student loans, bills, debt, insurance - it's easy for us to think that what we earn is ours and after we pay our debts that we deserve the rest.  I am entirely guilty of this.  This is a bold reminder that all that we have is a result of God's blessing, and that our worldly possessions and status are not what makes us wealthy - it is having a true, generous heart before God that makes us eternally rich.  Today's reading stresses the importance of using what we have for the betterment of others.  How can we be the body of Christ if we are only caring for one limb?  Let us join together and support this life in His name.

Dear Lord, I thank you for touching my heart today during these readings.  I was reminded to view my earnings as gracious gifts from you, and to use them to help others in need, to support the church and to have a bigger outreach.  In Psalm 15, we are told that the one who may dwell in God's sacred space is the "who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind;"  When we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, we must deflect the old and continue to choose the new wineskin.  Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to look toward Jesus, to reach for your Word, to sit with you in prayer and to spend time in quiet seeking your guidance.  You are our salvation, your Word is our command, and whether we have the experience or the resources to accomplish a task does not matter because if it is your Will, you will provide us with a way.


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