1 Chronicles 12:19-14:17
Romans 1:1-17
Psalm 9:13-20
Proverbs 19:4-5
The bible shows us many examples of God's grace and His justice. Today's reading highlighted how people experienced the wrath of God by being wicked, and also by failing to take the time to seek His guidance and follow His instructions. When moving the Ark of the Covenant, Uzzah touched the Ark while trying to prevent it from falling and God struck Him dead. God had clearly stated the way the Ark should be transported, but this was initially overlooked. It makes me reflect on my own decisions and sins. Then, I take it further and wonder how many times did I sin and not even know it? The more I learn about God, the more I grow in my faith, the more I realize that my old self was not what I thought it to be. This reading teaches me how important it is not only to make choices that are just and that honor God, but to first reach out to Him and ask Him for guidance and direction. God already has our paths mapped out, so who are we to ignore His calling for our lives? When Uzzah died, David was initially angered by the Lord's decision, but then that anger turned to fear as he realized that he needed to seek the Lord's council first before making any decisions. I, too, can think of times when I was angry about outcomes, but then transformations within me began to occur as my fear of the Lord grew. When things are good and comfortable, it is easy to get off track and think we've got it handled, but the Lord is the best teacher and He certainly reminds us that we are not in the captain's chair, and it is He who must be honored and sought out each day and in all decisions that we make.
David had many different tribes and leaders supporting him. He had over 300,000 men in his army. He did not dictate; he unified the chiefs and utilized their strengths instead of relying on his judgement alone. This got him far along in uniting Israel. Uzzah's death, however, reminded David that seeking the Lord's council should precede any human advice, no matter how knowledgeable they might be. Moving forward, David made a valiant effort to ask God to direct his next steps, and this favored him as he defeated the Philistines through clear instructions provided by the Lord. He received two different strategies on how to combat the Philistines. Had he applied the first strategy, which was successful for that instance, to the second clash with the Philistines, who knows what the outcome would have been. By trusting in God he was able to overcome his foe.
David teaches us the importance of humbling ourselves before God, and seeking Him in all that we do. Our successes are a result of God's good work, not our own merit alone. Let us remember that each day, and apply that to all areas of our lives.
Amanda and Anthony
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