Friday, August 30, 2019

August 30

August 30, 2019

2 Corinthians 4

Football season is just about to begin, how appropriate that the apostle Paul would use a football term today.

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed." 2 Cor 4:8

This is Paul's description of a "scrambling quarterback." The best scrambler in the NFL today is Russell Wilson from the Seattle Seahawks. By "scrambling" I mean a quarterback who is surrounded by hostile foes, 300-pound linemen, who want to grind him into the turf. Yet a "scrambler" can find a way to escape and complete the pass. Though it appears there is no way for this escape, he miraculously breaks free and makes the play. "Scramblers" are game changers. As Christ followers that is an accurate nick name for us.

Paul uses three words to describe our Christian life in verses 8 and 9…. "hard pressed, crushed and persecuted." Notice immediately that that Paul is not suggesting his spiritual experience as a bed of roses. It is unfortunate that sometimes we portray the "blessed Christian life" as a life free from struggle and difficulty. We must stand firmly against this kind of deception. Let's get it straight. God never called us to a game of Duck-Duck-Goose. He called us to an NFL football game. And even though the enemy is blitzing, and we are surrounded by opponents, they can't tackle us.

God gives us the gift of "scrambling."

So, I want to encourage you today. Even though it appears that you are going to be tacked by a 300-pound problem, there is a narrow lane to make an escape and be victorious.

Don't lose heart!!!  Don't quit!!!

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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