As I was reading Job this morning, I was reminded of a conversation I had recently with my son who was asked the perplexing age old question by a friend of his: "If God exists why do bad things happen?" In light of senseless shootings and other historical events that would appear to show that evil has the upper hand, we as Christ followers are often confronted with the question of where was this all-powerful, all loving God we follow in the midst of the catastrophe? While Job attempts to reconcile his suffering in light of his own finite knowledge, I think we do to. Our only response, is to point to the cross. The bottom line is that we live outside of the Garden of the Eden. God doesn't make mistakes and bad choices, people do. We can't figure it out, all we can do is point to our hope in Jesus that rests in Biblical truth. I read a post the other day which made me smile, it read: "God, why are bringing me through these troubled waters?" and God said "Because your enemies can't swim". Like Job, we all face tough times. Jesus said we would. As Christ followers we need remember always look to the cross.
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