Job 28
The internet and the world around us have become a place where we can find just about everything. Need a recipe? Ask Google. Don't know how to fix something? Watch a video. We were baking the other day and my son told Google to set a timer for 45 minutes. (I was thinking more like use the timer on the stove). Looking to find silver or gold, go to a mine as minerals come from the earth. It boggles my mind that almost everything we need is there to be found and is so easily accessible in one form or another. We seem to have a lot of resources to find knowledge and things of this world, but in our reading today, we learn there is something that Siri and Google can't answer. Even though God has blessed us with incredible sunrises, sunsets, snow capped mountains and other beauty, there is something that cannot be produced as a byproduct of this earth, something we, in our finite capacity cannot obtain on our own, and nothing on earth can compare to it. It's God's Wisdom. According to King Solomon, wisdom can only be gained from God, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding" Proverbs 2:6. We also learn in Proverbs 9:10 that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Everything begins with God. I can't figure out why we try to convince ourselves we can figure this life out on our own or that we can act independently from God. Daily, we need to be in a position (like on our knees) like today's Psalmist whose soul pants for for God. We were designed to ask for a fresh filling of God's Spirit on a daily (more like hourly), basis. Wisdom can only be found when we submit ourselves at the foot of the cross and allow God by the power of his spirit to fill us. Wisdom is found when we surrender completely to God, and even then we only get a piece of it. I pray today as we all prepare to go into the world in some capacity that we ask the Lord to fill us with His Spirit and that we allow ourselves to be guided by His wisdom.
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