"A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22)
This proverb shares a key truth: that the conditions of our spirits spill over into our physical and emotional well-being. Spiritual wholeness promotes health in our minds and bodies. Put another way, God has created us and endowed us with an integrated body, mind, and spirit.
Have you ever wondered, like me, why God allows us to reach these points of being "crushed in spirit"? Why not just give us an easy road?
According to Romans 8:28,29, God ordains the happenings of our lives for our good and that we might be conformed into the image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He even uses the challenging moments and stretches in life to draw us closer to Him.
How may we draw closer to God during our tough moments? I have had a few recent opportunities to practice these thoughts myself and to share them with others:
1) Give thanks to God for His obvious blessings in your life. You might give thanks for salvation, health, friends, family, His presence, or the beauty of nature. Take some moments to reflect on His goodness and concern for you.
2) Take on the challenge of trusting God on a moment-by-moment basis. Are you able to trust Him for a moment? How about a second moment? A third? Pretty soon, you've trusted Him for an hour and then a day. It reminds me of running. A five-mile run is exhausting, but we can make it more manageable by breaking it into smaller chunks.
3) Put on the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18). The evil one is crafty and attacks our vulnerabilities. God's armor shields us, and the Word of God equips us to fight back against his lies.
4) Find joy in living for Him during those tough moments. "I know my Redeemer lives... "
"The Red Sea Rules" expands on this topic quite well. These ideas have been particularly effective in getting me to think "all for the glory of God."
Lord Jesus, guide us to walk humbly with You during our tougher moments. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for us and that Your power is made perfect in our weakness. Show us how we may respond with faith during our trials. Deepen our trust in Your character and provision. Make us into mighty warriors for You so that we may live all for the glory of God. In Your Name, amen.
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