Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9

Psalm 127


Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.  Psalm 127:3


Have you seen the new commercials from Sprint that feature Instagram star, Topher Brophy, with his pooch, Rosenberg? Their relationship takes the idea of identical twins to a new level. It also gives us an unfortunate understanding of the thinking of the next generation. When Topher was asked who his friend was, he replied, "He's my son."  The new thinking is that children are such a hassle, such a headache,  so why put up with them?  Just become a parent of a pet!  This thinking was even taken to the level of bizarre in yesterday's New York Times with an article on becoming "parents" of "pet rats."  

We live in a time when the polarity on most of the important values of life has been reversed. The propaganda championing this reversal is pervasive and persuasive. There are multiple articles on all of the negatives of having children. Children will cost you a bundle;  the estimated cost to raise each one is over 200,000 dollars. Who has that kind of money? There are also multiple studies showing that the happiest married couples are those without children — at least, that's according to research out of the United Kingdom's Open University.

That is why millennials, in record numbers, are abandoning having children and "adopting" pets and calling them sons and daughters. The new terms are "fur-baby" and "pet parent" and they have replaced the old term "pet owner."   

The Bible is the lone voice crying out in all of this media negativity that children are a wonderful gift from God. The Psalmist is crystal clear that children are a blessing, not a curse. And happy families are also a gift from God to those who follow his instructions. Has anyone considered that the reason so many families are unhappy is because they have thrown out God's directions for family living?

I can testify that raising our three children was the greatest blessing we have ever experienced in our marriage. Caring for them as infants, watching them take their first steps, teaching them how to share, helping them with homework, playing games, attending 1 million sports activities, praying with them, eating family dinners, sharing holidays, and even comforting them in the difficulties of life were activities that are the very substance of life itself, and all of them are a wonderful gift from God.   

If there was ever a time to champion children and family it is right now. The lies of the evil one are literally eroding the very foundations of our culture. If we lose this battle and the next generation replaces families with fur-babies, we will all be missing one of the greatest joys in life.



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