Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June 7

Acts 5:38-39

Therefore, in the present case I advise you; Leave these men alone!  Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God

A few years ago I was involuntarily transferred to a different school in the district.  Needless to say, I wasn't happy about leaving the comfort of my old school, and much to my dismay, I was not well received at my new destination.  I was being sent on a mission.  God had a plan and an assignment for me to be a one on one para for a special boy with a very special need. As the year progressed I was able see God's hand in it, but at the time, I didn't understand it.  As unhappy as I was, and as hard as I tried to leave, (and believe me, I tried hard), God was just not letting me get out of that school or the task He had set before me. I began to learn what having an assignment from the Lord meant, it was His plan that I be there, and nothing that the administration tried to do to relocate me, or anything attempts I tried on my own to relocate myself were going to work because God needed me to watch over a certain child and that was my God ordained assignment.  Any attempts to flee just left me fighting against God. The administration was fighting against God in trying to get rid of me.  Through lots of tears and a whole lot of prayer, I made it through. God gave me many opportunities to be a witness for Him, and pray for others while I was there. The irony of the whole situation was that by the end of the first year, all the negative remarks, character attacks, and questionable comments that greeted me upon my arrival were blotted out and replaced with kind words and recognition for a job well done.  Today's reading brought this memory back to mind.  Though my experience barely compares with the disciples who were beaten and imprisoned, I learned that nothing anyone can do can derail us from our God given assignments.  Even when you are being disgraced by others we still are called to obedience to God's plan. In that there is joy that can be found in knowing your service was blessed by God. 


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