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What Does This Have To Do With Me?
2 Samuel 24
King David was a man whom God had called and always provided for. Against a giant named Goliath, David did not worry about being unevenly matched or how many men stood watching and doubting in fear in the army behind him. David, the shepherd boy, brought his faith, 5 stones and a sling to a sword fight against a giant skilled warrior and trusted with his whole heart that God would provide. Only one stone was needed for the giant to fall, one stone and a boy with faith that was far bigger than his enemy.
But in our reading today we see a different David, one who desired to find comfort and satisfaction in knowing what he tangibly had at his disposal, what advantage his odds gave him. He is a far cry from the all trusting shepherd boy he once was. His focus had shifted from trusting and leaning wholly on the Lord to provide to focusing on what he sees and knows he has. He was seeking comfort in the things he could touch, see, hear, and count. It could have been pride or fear that motivated him to take a census of his people, to tally the numbers of his total fighting men. It doesn't really matter which it was, both reveal an issue of the heart that is not leaning, focusing, trusting, or finding comfort and satisfaction in the Lord. This once humble, faith filled, God fearing man had lost sight of his Lords leading, faithful provision, and satisfying joy.
"So what does this have to do with me", I ask?
Well, what do I take a census of in my life? What things do I allow to draw my attention away from the Lords faithful provisions? How am I leaning on my own understanding (what I can touch, see, hear, or count) and putting it in the place of trust in the Lord? Am I looking upon the provisions of God in my life with a boastful spirit that lifts up my pride and position rather than the Lord?
I am guilty!!! For me, I struggle with trusting the Lord with many areas of my life; my family, my health, my finances, my relationships, my ministries, my future and other things. I fear when I don't feel in control and I often take a census of my abilities, my resources, and my odds. The results of my census taking usually determines my steps. It can lead me to act when I shouldn't or prevent me from action when I should. My understanding, not my faith, then determines my course of action. But Proverbs 3:5-6 clearly tells me to "trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding (what I can touch, see, hear or count). In all my ways acknowledge him and he WILL make my paths straight." When I lean on my faith I trust that God will give me clarity when the time is right and he will see me through in the best way for me. Even when I may feel I am lacking he will be enough, he will empower, he will provide no matter what my abilities, resources or odds may be.
God has been working in me and today's reading is a part of that work. He is leading me to abandon my census taking, my understandings, my visual safety nets and to take my faith to new deeper levels. God wants to teach me to lean on him in ways I have not, in ways I have been afraid to. God is pursuing me and calling me to trust in the fullness of his character, his unfailing faithfulness, his uncompromising promises, and the abundant power of his name.
I am not alone in my journey to a stronger faith and deeper trust in the Lord. I have the Holy Spirit to help guide me and strengthen me and to use God's word to teach me and help me to walk in the paths that will lead me to where he knows I need to be. I don't know if any of you can tend to be "census" takers also but I will be praying that God will help us all in our journey to live more faithful and trusting lives where the Glory of the Lord can be seen in us.
My email and my Facebook message box is always open and available to any and all who want to reach out. I am here to take the journey with any who want company.
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