Friday, June 4, 2021

Bible Blog Post Friday May 4th From Keisha Polak

June 4
2 Samuel 22:1-23:23
Acts 2:1-47
Psalm 122:1-9
Proverbs 16:19-20
Better to live humbly with the poor than to share plunder with the proud. Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful. - Proverbs 16:19-20
Two simple verses, yet so much can be taken from them. Through much of my reading lately, I've been noticing a recurrence of putting aside one's pride and ego to trust in the Lord, and this scripture from Proverbs is another clear example of that. Our world is very much focused on prideful activities where one can boast about their triumphs, but these situations often leave others feeling less-than, unworthy, jealous, or angry. Those who go about boasting of worldly deeds ultimately aren't putting God first in their lives, and this choice will ultimately be their own downfall.
Why would someone feel compelled to boast of earthly things as if THEY themselves had a hand in creation? We are told not to boast, but if we do, may we boast only in the Lord, for it is because of Him that we have life and obtain any victory. Instead of spending time with others that boast of themselves, and keep us in constant competition, the Lord wants us to live humbly and turn to those that are less fortunate. Jesus commands us to love one another, and to do so you must have a humble and compassionate heart. Instead of focusing on a victory and the benefits that you imagine will come with it, turn to lift up those who don't have a vision of victory. Connect with others by humbly meeting them where they are in life, just as Jesus meets us where we are, not coming from a place of judgment or hierarchy, but from a place of grace. If we listen to these commands and these instructions and put our trust in the Lord no matter our circumstance, we will be able to truly live a joyful life. And when we live our lives in this matter, we are able to show others that they can confidently put their trust in the Lord, and in turn, they can find joy in their situations.
Obey the Lord for all your days and put your full faith in Him in every circumstance, show Him how much you truly love him by your faith and actions, and in return receive His eternal blessing. What can be more joyful than that?

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