Friday, June 18, 2021

Grace Blog Post - June 18, 2021

June 18
1 Kings 19:1-21
Acts 12:1-23
Psalm 136:1-26
Proverbs 17:14-15
He remembered us in our humiliation
'His faithful love endures forever'. -- Psalms 136:23
This is one of my favorite Psalms, so beautifully written and filled with the truth of God, "His faithful love endures forever." This Psalm I believe can be very crucial for the believer. Life is always changing and evolving, but there is always ONE constant, that is God. When we are feeling low, lacking in our strength, lacking in courage, or when our cups are empty, it is our Father's love that fills us back up - Praise Him, because no matter what HIS FAITHFUL LOVE ENDURES FOREVER. When we are happy, confident, and our cups are filled - PRAISE HIM, for it is because of Him that you are able to live with a joyous heart. This Psalm is a constant reminder that through everything in life, that you are never alone, never without love. It is a reminder of all the great things God has done to provide for us and proves His everlasting love.
Over the last few weeks, I have found myself in many conversations regarding prayer and hearing from so many that they feel themselves lacking in this area. They let their day get the better of them, perhaps ending their day feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and empty. Let this Psalm guide you back to what is true, the wonder of God's love. God's love is faithful, merciful, kind, and steadfast. No matter the situation we must remember that His plan is much greater than our comprehension, as children we will not always understand (or even grasp) why our parents make the decisions that they do, but we must TRUST that it is for our benefit. And as we become adults, do we not realize those moments and praise them? In a much greater way, our Father in heaven is due endless praise. God has created the perfect environment just for us, land, sea, air, sun, moon, stars, food to every creature - every moment is praiseworthy. Man has repeatedly sinned against God, yet HE delivers us and redeems us, that type of love is so deep, so strong, so faithful - at times my heart feels that it wants to burst from His endless love.
I love this Psalm, but one verse that really hits me is verse 23, "He remembered us in our humiliation, 'His faithful love endures forever'." I know all the wrongdoings I have done in my life, I know all the times that I was put down and humiliated, I know all the times that I felt so low that I thought I had nothing left, I know all the times that I chose to turn away from God, yet in every moment He remembered me, in every moment His love was there. Do not turn away from our Father's love, instead, praise Him in all that you do, in every experience you have, in every situation whether you perceive them as good or bad, for His faithful love endures throughout it all. Our Lord will provide everything we need when we need it, He will clear paths for us, He will protect us from our enemies, He will lead us when we are lost, and all the while His faithful love will endure forever.
Thank you God for your faithful love, and let us ceaselessly praise you for all of our days.

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