Friday, January 8, 2021

January 8: Of Step by Step Instructions to Eliminate Worry

Genesis 18:16-19:38
Matthew 6:25-7:14
Psalm 8:1-9
Proverbs 2:6-15

With everything going on in the world, how do we not worry?  And yet, that is God's instruction in today's NT reading.  Four times in the first 10 verses we read some version of "do not worry".  It doesn't get more explicit than that.  And while God's words may be easy to read, when someone is sick, or we are out of work and the rent is due, or when a loved one is acting irresponsibly and we are unable to do anything about it, it is harder to take God's instructions into our hearts and minds.  It is hard to NOT worry.   What do we do to make it easier to obey?  Today's readings seem to give us a pretty clear step by step.  

First, we can remind ourselves of who God is, and who we are to Him.  In the psalm we read that God is majestic, and has set His glory in the heavens, and yet He is mindful of us, He cares for us, and has crowned us with glory and honor.  

Second, in Matthew, we are instructed to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness".  Why?  Because then, we are in God's care, and all that we need today - food, clothing - will be given to us as well.

Third, when in doubt, when we lack, we can always talk to Him and ask Him.  How do we know?  Because in the OT, we see Abraham did it.  Not only did God listen to Abraham, God let Abraham reason with Him.  And the proverb tells us that wisdom will enter our hearts and knowledge will be pleasing to our soul.    

And fourth, we're counting on a lot here.  How do we know God is good for all this?  Because, as Matthew reminds us, if we who are evil try and give good things to our kids, how much more, then, will God give us good things as only He knows how?  

Father, when we worry, remind us please of who You are, and who we are to You.  Remind us that it is better to seek You, and trust that You will provide, because You are good and because You love us.  And please help us to obey Your command - help us not to worry.

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