Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 6

From Matthew 

January 6

Matthew Chapter 5. 27-48

Verse 43 - "You have heard that it was said. 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'

Have you ever found it hard to love your neighbor? No, I'm not talking about disliking somebody.
I'm talking about loving and helping somebody that you actually get along with.

Sometimes helping our neighbors requires us to enter into situations that make us uncomfortable.
Meeting somebody's family, being in a group, going places you've never been before. For some
people, these things can be scary!

It happened though! God put something in front of you and you knew what you had to do.
Let's thank our Father for these things. He knows how hard it is for us. He knows that what
some view as a simple task - others view as an extraordinary feat. From the outside, it may look
like you did something small. In reality, though, it was a real hurdle for you.

Again, let's thank God for these things; he's giving us opportunities to live for Him. They may seem small to other people - but it's a big deal in God's eyes. He knows!

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