Sunday, October 27, 2019

October 26: Of Unworthiness

Jeremiah 49:23-50:46
Titus 1:1-16
Psalms 97:1-98:9
Proverbs 26:13-16

I looked this up.  It turns out, Titus was his only name.  There is no truth to the rumor it was a surname, and that his first name was "Hepa".  (I couldn't resist.)

It is interesting wondering how Paul's words to Titus would be received today.  My guess?  They'd start by calling him a "hater", someone bigoted towards the Cretans.  Then they'd accuse him of hypocrisy, remind him of his past - "remember where you were when Stephen died?" - and threaten to discredit him by dredging up his past if he didn't stop calling out the Cretans' sinfulness.  

We see that a lot today, don't we?   People who demand perfection of others, who insist that the imperfection of a person's past renders them unqualified to speak, specially if they are speaking out against sin, against the world's influence.  Sadly, there are many - myself included, I am sorry to admit - who let the fear of the world prevent me from speaking out as I believe God would want.  

The fact is, perfection isn't a prerequisite for us to be of use to God - if that were true, then the Bible would be the four Gospels and nothing more.  When we start to believe the world's lies about our unworthiness, let us remember the company we have among the unworthy - Moses, David and Paul were murderers, David was also an adulterer; Abraham and Peter were both cowards who hid behind lies, and Jacob was a thief who betrayed his brother. When they chose to do so, they all served God pretty well.

Father, when we start to believe the world's lie - that to be worthy to serve You, we have to be perfect - remind us You do not call the qualified,  You qualify those whom You call.  Instead of the doubt the world would have us harbor, give us instead the confidence, the courage and the strength to speak Your words as You instruct.  

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