Friday, July 26, 2019

26th Blog post

Bible Blog 26th July

2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34

Romans 9:22-10:13

Psalm 20:1-9

Proverbs 20:2-3

Today's reading was a reminder that in times when we feel we are struggling, depressed and alone, we can find comfort in the word. David's prayer in Psalm may help us during these difficult times: God alone can preserve a nation or an individual. We need confidence in God who gives eternal victory. Who do you trust?

I recently have been diagnosed with Lupus and it has been a struggle, but I have learned that instead of solely searching for comfort in people, I can solely find rest in Jesus Christ. I have received tremendous support from family and friends; however, I need to be in constant prayer with our Lord and reading David's prayer has helped.

A person who is truly confident in his/her strength does not need to prove it. A truly brave person does not look for chances to prove it. A resourceful woman can find a way out of a fight. Foolish people struggle to avoid strife. What kind of person are you?

We can see in Romans 9:22-10:13 how the people pursued the law as the way of righteousness but have not attained their goal. But why? We may sometimes be like those people, always trying to get right with God by keeping his laws. We may think by attending church, giving offerings, doing church work or being nice will be enough, we then have followed the rules, haven't we? Paul's words are sharp and hit hard as he explains, God's plan is not for those who try to earn his favor by just being good, it is for those who realize that they can never be good enough without God and they must depend on Christ. We can be saved by only putting our faith in what Jesus Christ has done for us. If we can do that, we will never be disappointed. 

Rather than living by faith in God, the Jews established customs and traditions in addition to God's law to try and make themselves acceptable in God's eyes. But no matter how sincere, the human effort can never substitute for the righteousness God offers us by faith. It is impossible to earn salvation by being perfect but we can only hold out our empty hand and receive salvation as a gift. If we believe in our whole heart and say with our mouths that Christ is the risen Lord, we will be saved.  So, I pray that instead of trying to do it all ourselves like I did, that we may look to Jesus for strength and guidance to praise and worship him whole heartedly,


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