Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Oct. 31st

Hebrews 2

The author of the book of Hebrews is unknown, but this letter seems to be written to encourage the Jewish people who followed "The Way" and perhaps began to waiver in faith.  They were being treated as outsiders or even traitors and were outcasts in what was once their well known community.  Perhaps they had returned to traditional Judaism as the pressure of being ostracized increased. The author, while clearly concerned that they remain strong in their faith, is very encouraging by reminding them that Yeshua had already opened a gateway to their heavenly sanctuary, symbolized by the tearing of the veil when He was crucified.  So these followers now face quite the dilemma.  Perhaps that is why the author begins this chapter by saying "it is necessary for us to pay especially close attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away". So, what does that mean for us reading this today?  When we look around us today, it is so crucial for us to hold on to truth as well, and not get discouraged.  God has put all things in subjection to Himself.  Nothing has been left outside of His control. (v.8)  I don't understand much of what is going on around us, but I am finding the confusion is fueling my faith, and by the power of the Spirit, I find myself being a bolder witness. When conversations come up regarding worldly topics, I find myself directing whoever I'm talking with to God, His love, mercy, and His sovereignty. Let's tie in today's reading of Psalm 103. In the midst of today's chaos, who else will forgive all of our iniquities and redeem our lives from the pit? Adonai will execute judgement but will show compassion and grace to those who love Him. Be strong in your faith.  His Kingdom rules over all.


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