Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17th blog post

Driver's Ed

"Teach me your way, O LORD and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart..." Psalm 86:11

My son is 16 and ready to get his driver's licenses.  In order for him to drive a car he must learn how to drive.  His learning starts with classes where he has to read about guidelines, boundaries, rules, and safety of driving.  He also listens to a teacher go over those things he has read to better explain that they aren't meant to hinder his driving experience but to make it easier and smoother; to make him a better driver and keep him safe.  He then has to take all those things he has studied and been taught and he has to get behind the wheel and put them into practice.  But he does not get behind the wheel alone, no his father is sitting in the passenger seat next to him to help guide him, further instruct, and encourage him as he learns to navigate roads and traffic from the drivers seat.  Curbs will be clipped, braking will be last minute, speeds will be inconsistent, other drivers will honk, and it won't always be a smooth or relaxing drive.  It's ok though, because he is learning and if he listens and he desires to learn and be the best driver he can be he will get better and be more prepared to deal with unexpected things that can and will occur as he becomes a seasoned driver.  Now, as he is learning it is possible that he will become comfortable and have a unhealthy confidence in his skills that causes him to think he knows better and he may not listen to his father's instruction.  The results of his not listening could lead to an accident and often times will result in him making an error in which he will then have to turn to his father and say, "I'm sorry, can you help?"  His father will remind him how important it is to listen and learn and will gladly continue to give him the patient guidance he needs.

This is what I think of when I read verse 11 in Psalm 86.  I have much to learn in life and about life.  There is so much on the road of life that I am not prepared for and that I can struggle to navigate.  I like to think that I can make it through on my own but the truth is I end up with more bumps and heart ache then I care to have.  I want to be taught the LORD's ways and I want to walk in them throughout my entire life but it means I have to take the time to sit and read the truths of God's word (his instruction manual for life) and also to recieve instruction on what I've read (through the Holy Spirit, reading these blogs, listening to sermons, going to a small group...).  Eventually I have to get behind the wheel of life and try to navigate but I am not alone.  I'm armed with instruction and my heavenly father is always with me to help bring to mind the truths I've learned from his word.  If I am trusting in him, if I am seeking to hear his voice guide me then I know that no matter what is around the corner in my life my father is there with me and he has equipped me to be able to navigate through it.  The more time I spend with my heavenly father instructing me the better I am going to get at listening and the more prepared I will be when the unexpected pops up.  But like my son learning to drive, I can get comfortable behind the wheel of life and start to think I know what is best, I can get distracted from the truth and my mind becomes divided and I am no longer focusing on the truths but leaning on my own understanding.  God's word is there not to keep me from the fun of life but to help keep me safe, joyfilled, and prepared to handle anything that comes my way.  I can often loose sight of this.

Before I start each day I need to make sure I spend time in the manual (God's word) and I need to pray Psalm 86:11.   I need to ask the Lord to teach me and help me to walk in his truth, to follow his lead, to let him be my guide and I need, let me repeat that, I NEED to ask him to give me an undivided heart, a heart that is all in to his leading and his teaching and his guidance no matter how easy or dangerous the road of life may seem.  I never want to get so comfortable and so confident that I don't think I need the LORD or worse, that I simply forget he is there right next to me wanting to guide and lead me along the best path for me.  He never leaves me, I just let my mind become distracted and drift away.

So today is day one.  I've spent time this morning in the manual and the Holy Spirit has shown me things I need.  My day lays ahead of me and I am ready to get behind the wheel with my heavenly father by my side and to walk into whatever lies ahead.  I pray that each of you are prepared and willing to be lead to walk in his truth as well.  I'm praying for you!

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