Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16


"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." (Mark 1:35)

Do you find this verse astounding like I do? I find it incredible to consider that our Lord Jesus Christ -- fully human and fully God -- required intimacy with His Father, just as we did. Couldn't His complete Divinity make Him self-sufficiency? Or, more practically, if the Lord Jesus thirsted after this connection with His Father, why would I ever be so arrogant and foolish as to miss this opportunity?

I admit that I don't have a perfect attendance record in seeking after God. Too often, I allow busyness and what seem like higher priorities crowd out my time with God. This miscalculation ends up keeping us from experiencing His life-giving presence and from receiving the nutrients to bolster our faith.

Have you ever experienced days where, even though you have spent time with God, there remains a fog or emptiness? I have definitely encountered this challenge. Yet, God has been gracious to reveal Himself through perseverance. Our perseverance in seeking God ultimately strengthens our faith and reveals more of His faithfulness to us.

Just as you might plan to go to the gym or to meet a friend for coffee, do you have a plan for meeting with God? Where will you meet Him? Will you come with an open heart and a readiness to listen to Him? Will you take the time to digest His Word?

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your example of seeking the Father with a passionate heart. Prepare us each day to listen to and obey Your Word. Send Your Spirit so that we come into all truth and apply it for encouraging ourselves and others to resemble You more closely. We love You and honor You this day. In Your Name, amen.

"Step by Step" by Rich Mullins (

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