Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016

Titus 3 

Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives. Titus 3:14

Some observations about this verse; this is a learned devotion. We don't naturally share our lives with others. We don't naturally think how we can serve others. The natural inclination of our hearts is to think only about ourselves and focus only on our agendas.

We need to be committed to "doing good" and only God can define that. Without God, we don't know what good is. But once God defines "good," we should be passionate about doing it.  

Our service involves the daily necessities of people. This is about doing life together with people, not just showing up once every 6 months.

The result of "doing good" means we will live productive lives. Doing "good" causes people to think about God, and it brings glory to Him. It also has eternal results. When we share even a cup of cold water in his name, it impacts all of eternity. Jesus said that loving one another was the signature sign that we are his disciples. It also gives us a tremendous sense of purpose and mission in life, something that very few people have today.

This leads me to pause and celebrate our church. We are in the final earthly days of our dear sister Deb Foster. The cancer in her body has not been healed by God and so she is preparing herself for the ultimate healing of going home to be with Him. The outpouring of "good", love and acts of kindness shown by our church family is staggering. The visits, the cards, and the care shown to her are incredible acts of love. Wow, what a demonstration of love and compassion. This kind of care is rarely seen in our world today. Thank you for living the gospel out. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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