Sunday, December 29, 2013

Dec 29

Revelation 20   Introducing Cross Fitness to Grace Church

 Revelation 20:4   And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.


The Word of God has an impact on our lives now and throughout all eternity. These Revelation Christians had read the Word and they knew what it said about the anti-Christ and his mark. That knowledge changed their outlook and they refused to go along with the politically correct crowd even though it cost them their lives.


At Grace Church we are introducing the new Cross Fitness plan for 2014.  It focuses on faith, fitness, food and friends.  At the very heart of this plan is the daily reading of God's Word. It will connect you with God, empower you to make wise health choices and change your eternal destiny. You have three more days to purchase the "One Year Bible" at church or order one online yourself.  There are over 80 of us making this commitment to daily reading God's Word.


Revelation 20 also says we are  going to have resurrected bodies.  God is the ultimate owner of our bodies and He will give us new improved versions in the future. But right now he expects us to take care of them. The Bible uses the word "steward". We are responsible to take care and manage our bodies now. So how are we doing?  According to the National Institute of Health, the average American consumes 29 pounds of French fries, 23 pounds of pizza, 24 pounds of ice cream, 53 gallons of soda, 24 pounds of artificial sweeteners, 2.7 pounds of salt, and 90,000 milligrams of caffeine each year. We are literally poisoning our bodies.


On top of that, we are the most sedentary generation in the history of the country. As a result, one in two Americans suffers from some chronic disease. We spend almost $3 trillion a year in our health care system and almost 80 percent of that is for chronic lifestyle preventable and reversible disease.


When I was in my late 20's my weight had ballooned up to 240 lbs and my blood pressure was in the danger zone. I made a commitment at that time to start working out and eating better. For the most part I have kept that commitment over the years. So I challenge you to join me in keeping our spiritual and physical hearts kingdom healthy. It is time for Christ followers to lead the way back to spiritual and physical health.

Our Cross Fitness plan includes:

Daily Bible Reading
Monthly Wellness Seminar
Weekly Weigh-Ins (private)
Group Exercises (walking, running, biking, events etc)
Friendship Accountability
January 1st to April 20th (Easter)

You can sign up to be part of Cross Fitness at Grace Church. So will you commit to making the journey with us?  --
"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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