Sunday, June 17, 2012


To change it up a little here is a little Quiz on the book of Hosea. I will post the answers tomorrow! It helps me to make sure I'm retaining what I read! I love tests, quizes, questions etc... 

Which region was Hosea's family from?

Who did Hosea marry?

One of Hosea's children was named 'Jezreel', what does that name mean?
"No Compassion"
"Save My People"
"God Scatters"
"God Gathers"

One of Hosea's children was named 'Lo-Ruhamah', what does that name mean?
"God Gathers"
"Has Compassion"
"God Has No Mercy"
"No Compassion"

One of Hosea's children was named 'Lo-Ammi, what does that name mean?
"God Gathers"
"God's People"
"Not My People"
"People Of Little Faith"

What was the sin of 'Jeroboam' referenced in the beginning of the book of Hosea?
That he married a harlot
That he sought to achieve his own personal agenda.
That he worshiped idols even after God warned against it.
That he murdered innocent people in an invasion.

What does the name 'Hosea' mean?
"Jehovah Is Salvation"
"God Is My Provider"
"God Gathers"
"Jehovah Is God"

What was the name of Hosea's second child?

What was the price Hosea had to pay to buy Gomer back from slavery?
30 pieces of silver
55 shekels of gold and 10 bushels of wheat
15 shekels of silver and 13 bushels of barley
7 years of labor

In the sixth book of Hosea, what does God indicate that he desires more than 'sacrifice'?

In the time of Hosea, what was the largest tribe in Israel (often the Lord refers to Israel as this name)?

The book of Hosea prophesizes that because of their disobedience, Israel will become like what?
Wanderers among the nations.
Seeds scattered throughout the nations.
A nation exiled, scorned, and ridiculed.
A child disciplined by his father.

In the first few chapters of Hosea, it is prophesized that Israel will:
be destroyed.
live many days without a king.
be rejected.
be ruled by a wicked king.

In the first few chapters of Hosea, it is prophesized that Israel will:
offer up praise and sacrifice displeasing to the Lord.
offer up praise and sacrifice to idols, turning from the Lord.
loose their ability to worship.
loose their ability to worship in the way they are accustomed to.

Why did God want Hosea to experience the way He felt?
to teach Hosea a lesson on faithfulness.
so Hosea can tell the people of Israel.
so Hosea can teach his wife a lesson.
to teach Hosea a lesson on forgiveness.

In the forth chapter of Hosea, God says His people are destroyed because of a lack of what?

Who is credited to be the author of The Book Of Hosea?

In the eleventh chapter of Hosea, What changes God's attitude toward the Israelites?
His Love from them
Israel's repentance from backsliding.
Israel's burnt offerings and sacrifice.
Hosea's praying for mercy.

In chapter 10 of Hosea, God calls Israel a trained heifer, what does He said that He will do with Israel?
make them thrash grain.
offer them as an offering.
make them pull a plow and sow.
brand them as His children

In chapter seven of Hosea, God compares Israel to what?
a flock of birds
a wild donkey
a school of fish
a silly dove


Chuck Goulart
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"Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes."

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