Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, Joshua 18 – 21

March 14, 12
Joshua 18 – 21
Happy Wednesday!  I want to first share how much I love the book of Joshua.  What a guy…what a journey  J  We read today about dividing the rest of the Promised Land to the remaining tribes.  Decades and decades have passed since they were promised the land and they finally have it!!! 
A few interesting things I noticed: After all the tribes have their land Joshua takes his inheritance.  He made sure everyone of his people were taken care of and their needs were met first, then settled into a city.  He is an amazing example of a leader.  There are so many examples of leaders in the past in present who kept their own interests and well being in mind first before their people.  But Joshua was last even though he was their general, their leader, and mentor. 
The cities of refuge: the value of human life is so evident that God established these cities.  We read in the Law that these cities were to be havens and refuges for people who unintentionally killed someone.  The practice of life for life, revenge, was a very common custom during these times.  God wanted His people to be separate from the people that surrounded them.  It also triggers the comfort of Psalm 46:1, "God is our refuge and our strength, an ever present help in time of need."  As believers, we can run to our Refuge all the time.  He is our strength and our Fortress. 
The reading ends today with God and His promises.  He keeps them.  He is faithful!  "The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as He had sworn to their forefathers."  I love seeing that word, "rest" because it is a word that we all love and cherish.  Rest from the desert, their journey, he fighting and conquest.  Rest.  Centuries ago God made a promise, a covenant with Abraham that they would have land.  They have it now.  What a good God we serve.  

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