Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12

Living with Anticipation

There is a growing conviction on the part of many that planet earth is unraveling in high gear. Some suggest if you put your ear to the ground, you can already hear the thunderous hoof beats of the approaching horses and riders of the apocalypse. This sense of impending danger can be directly attributed to the impotence of a political solution to correct the disintegration of our global problems. Who, other than the omniscient God, could have anticipated the truly epic world changes of recent years and given us a picture of how this drama is going to be acted out on planet earth? Today we read at least 16 of these signs. Most of these signs have already literally been fulfilled.

1. The Jews will be in the land promised by God to Abraham.
2. The Jews will control Jerusalem.
3. Religious deception will be rampant.
4. Wars and rumors of war will plague the entire planet.
5. International tensions will escalate.
6. Cataclysmic natural disasters will kill multitudes.
7. Sequencing of these events will increase in intensity and frequency.
8. Persecution of Christ followers will increase. Antonio Socci, in his book, The New Persecuted: Inquiries into Anti-Christian Intolerance in the New Century of Martyrs, estimates that more Christians (about 45 million) were killed in the 20th century than in all previous centuries combined.
9. The gospel will be preached to all nations. On March 16-18, 1995 Billy Graham preached from San Juan, Puerto Rico and his messages reached 150 countries - the first time the gospel was simultaneously preached around the world.
10. Love for fellow human beings will wane. The social order will break down.
11. The crime rate will increase.
12. The temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. (not yet fulfilled)
13. The temple will be desecrated by the Anti-Christ. (world dictator)
14. The distress will be unequaled since the beginning of the world. (not yet fulfilled)
15. False christs and prophets will deceive many in the institutional church.
16. Great cosmic signs will fill the heavens.

So what should we do as we see the world unraveling around us? Live with hope and anticipation. Jesus said in Matthew 24:25, “See, I have told you ahead of time.” Jesus does not want any of us to perish or to be taken by surprise by the coming apocalypse. He has warned us. Do not put your hope in any political solution; put your hope in Jesus. Our hope is found in the victory that Jesus secured on the cross. Jesus has already triumphed over the forces of evil. We know how the story ends.

We also need to live with daily watchfulness. Jesus wants us to be prepared for his second coming. We should live with the anticipation of a little girl from New Haven, CT who was talking with her mother concerning the second coming of Jesus. “Mommy, do you believe Jesus will come back?” “Yes, dear,” replied the mother. “Could he come back this week?” “Yes, dear.” “Could he come back today?” “Yes, dear.” “Mommy, could he come back in the next hour?” “Yes, he could come back in a few minutes.” The girl looked up at her mom and said, “Mommy, would you comb my hair?”

This anticipation and yearning for Christ's return is all but dead among Christians today. We haven’t given up on the doctrine of the second coming, but we have given up on the joyful anticipation of it. We have been so seduced by comforts of life in the USA that we no longer desire the comforts of heaven. We believe Jesus is coming back in our heads but don’t allow it to touch our hearts. This is what we must rekindle in our hearts today. We must love someone very much to stay awake and long for their coming. (Virgins parable) That may explain the absence of our longing for Christ’s return.

Today is accountability day.... how much do you love Jesus today? Send me an email with a one sentence reply.

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