Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9

As we read Obadiah today we see the proud Edomites being judged by a holy God.

The prophet recounts the reason for the destruction of the nation of Edom:
1. They were proud out their national security. Their symbol was the eagle.
2. They were proud of their money. They were a wealthy nation. They were the guys who shuffled the money in the trade business.
3. They were proud of their foreign policy. They had developed alliances that guaranteed their survival as a nation.
4. They were proud of their education system. They were known as being “the smartest guys in the room.”
5. They were proud of their armies. They trusted in their military forces.
6. They were proud of their gods. They actually worshipped themselves. Scholars tell us that the Edomites had no allegiance to a god. They were so self-sufficient and so arrogant that they wouldn’t even call upon any god. They believed they had all the answers themselves. This is nothing less than humanism.

How striking similar to our pathway as a nation.

The only way to save a nation like the Edom is to hurt it. If God really cared about the eternal souls of the people he would have to break through their idolatry with pain.

C.S. Lewis says: ‘God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.’” Spot on brother!!!

So join me in prayer today. Lord, help us to be poor in spirit, to be mournful, to be meek and to hunger and thirst after your righteousness. Help us to trust in you and not our achievements, our money, our armies or our IQ. We trust in you, alone. Amen.

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