Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1

1 Kings 12, 13

I was shocked to find out that Al and Tipper Gore announced they are separating after 40 years of marriage. They had been through so much together: 4 children, bouts of depression, political successes and failures, the Academy award, the Nobel prize... yet it wasn't enough to keep them together. What would cause a couple who had invested so much in their relationship to throw in the towel? Whatever the specific reason may be (could be anything from infidelity, abuse, to living separate lives), I can guarantee that the underlying cause is this: they forgot about what was important. Just because a couple has been together for a long time does not mean they are safe from divorce. Marriage is something that needs constant attention and nurturing in order to be healthy. If the relationship is left on its own, it is destined to fail.

Today's passage is the beginning of Israel's downfall. The kingdom experienced all that God had to offer while David was king. Although David was far from perfect, he never fully lost sight of the goal: following God's commands and enjoying a right relationship with Him. Unfortunately, his son Solomon thought he knew better than God and didn't need to follow His ways. Now that Solomon's son Rehoboam was in charge, things had become much worse. He choose to oppress the people, resulting in a rebellion against his house. Rehoboam had no choice but to flee for his life.

When we choose to follow our own path rather than keeping close to God, then our lives start to fall apart. Don't lose sight of what's important. Keep your eyes on God!

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