March 9th
Numbers 11:24-13:33
Mark 14:22-52
Psalm 52:1-9
Proverbs 11:1-3
"The anger of the Lord burned against them, and He left them"
Numbers 12:9
Do you remember a time when you were younger (or not so young) when you did something wrong and you thought no one was there, but someone saw and you got caught? Have you ever been told off and realized that you were so wrong that you just wanted to curl up in a ball?
Moses, Aaron, and Miriam were power siblings! And, as God so often shows us, the youngest sibling was used counter culturally in a special way. Moses became the most important man in Israel, leading two million people out of Egypt, yet he was considered more humble than anyone on the face of the earth (God's words, not mine). Aaron was Moses' right hand man: his mouthpiece, a priest, and Miriam was a songwriter and a prophetess. She led the women in praise after the Red Sea was "un-parted" and the Israelites were saved. Between the three of them, big things happened!
Miriam and Aaron were talking negatively about their brother Moses. They were jealous of him and his success. The best thing they could come up with to tear him down was that he married a Cushite woman. They questioned, hasn't God spoken not just through Moses, doesn't God speak through us? It's funny neither of these things have anything to do with Moses' character. It's also funny (and unfortunate for them) that God heard them. He called all three of them, Moses, Miriam, and Aaron to the tent of meeting for a lesson, then had Miriam and Aaron step forward.
The Lord basically told them that prophets receive dreams and visions from God. But Moses is so special and faithful to God, that God speaks to him face to face. If they are going to disrespect Moses, they are disrespecting God. I love how God is a God of questions. When Adam and Eve were hiding from God, God asks "Where are you?". God knows where they are. His questions are to make us think, to make us tell the truth, and to point us to confession.
In Numbers 12, God asks Miriam and Aaron: "Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" God knows the answer, but he didn't wait around to hear it. He left. Miriam found herself white as snow with leprosy. Aaron begs of Moses - "Please, my Lord, do not hold against us the sin we so foolishly committed". This statement shows that Aaron recognizes his sin, and respects Moses' power and relationship with the Lord. God gives a 7 day punishment then Miriam returns.
Many question why Miriam was the one who was punished. Some say that Miriam was the one who initiated the conversation as she was named first. Others say that Aaron had the role of high priest, so he was able to intercede for Miriam's healing and forgiveness. While these may be true, my perspective is that sometimes, we learn more when we see those we love in pain or suffering. For Aaron to see his sister suffer may have a more impactful change on his outlook and behavior than if he were the one suffering.
This story was a great reminder to me to think before I speak, not only about those in leadership positions, but about anyone I interact with. Are you building others up, or tearing them down? As Christians, we all have the same goal of glorifying God and loving others, so let's work in unity to accomplish it!
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