Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 13: Of Perfection’s Impossibility

Numbers 19:1-20:29
Luke 1:1-25
Psalm 56:1-13
Proverbs 11:8

Dear Moses and Zecharaiah

Just a short note to say thank you for reminding me again today that it is impossible for me to be good enough to earn my salvation.   

Zecharaiah, you were someone I thought I could aspire to.  Your life was one of service to God - you were a priest in the temple, and God even saw fit to have you chosen by lot for the tremendous privilege of going INTO the temple and burning the incense.  You were such a good man God chose you to father the child who would proclaim the coming of His son.  Yet, as good as you were, you doubted God, and in so doing sinned against Him, so He took away your ability to speak.

Moses, there was NO way I was going to pretend I could be someone like you.  You were such a good man, God chose to speak with you face to face.  He chose to use you to save his people from the Egyptians and lead them to the promised land; He deemed you worthy to speak with Him regularly, and your face shone to bear witness when you had spoken with Him.  Yet, as good as you were (even more than Zechariah, IMHO), you doubted God's ability to provide - and it seemed so small a thing to strike the rock twice, wouldn't you say? - and He deemed you unworthy to enter the promised land yourself.  

Thank you both for reminding me that my salvation comes not by my actions - I will never be worthy that way - but by faith Jesus.  And lest I forget…

Dear Jesus,

Further to my letter to Moses and Zechariah, thank You for saving me, as unworthy as I am.

Your son,


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