Numbers 6:1-7:89
Mark 12:38-13:13
Psalm 49:1-20
Proverbs 10:27-28
With two boys on swim team, we developed a rule in our house: "Leave it all in the pool." This was in response to the desire to win, and the frustration when, inevitably, they suffered their share of losses. The rule says that, if at the end of their race they are too tired to even pull themselves out of the water immediately, their place - first? last? - didn't matter. Because they did their best - they left it all in the pool. Far better they came in last giving it their all, than first giving less than they could.
I read the story of the "widow's mite" and am reminded this is what Jesus asks of us when He called us in yesterday's reading to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. How much are we to love God and our neighbor? There is no set amount - just all we can. I loving God and our neighbor, the widow's mite says we are to "leave it all in the pool".
There is a second part to the rule. They boys aren't just to do their best during the race. The race is just the result of all their practice. To do their best during, they have to "leave it all in the pool" every day during practice. Every sprint set, every distance set, every drill set, every warm-up and cool-down set. This prepares them to give their best when the starter's gun goes off. Leaving it all in the pool isn't just for the race, it's for their entire swimming life.
Thinking back to the widow's mite, I find it hard to believe her generosity was a one-time, spur of the moment thing. I think it was a way of life for her to give generously to God. I think her generosity went beyond what she put in the temple treasury, and extended to the other ways she showed she loved God and her neighbor. It didn't matter the amount she had to give - she gave it all. Every interaction, every opportunity - she left it all in the pool. It was for her entire life.
Father, we believe the generosity You call us to isn't for isolated incidents; we believe it is meant to be a way of life. When it comes to loving You and our neighbor, teach us to leave it all in the pool all the time - every interaction, every opportunity. Please help us to make it our way of life.
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