Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 26: Of Peter’s Ups and Downs

Leviticus 19:1-20:21
Mark 8:11-38
Psalm 42:1-11
Proverbs 10:17

Today's reading is why I find Peter so encouraging.  You ever have those times in your life where everything seems to be going right?  The boss tells you you're doing a great job, you make the right call, and your colleagues are probably looking at you in admiration?  Then shortly thereafter, you completely blow it, and the boss that complimented you is calling you on the carpet in full voice, and in full view of everyone?  

In today's reading, Peter was having a time like that.  His rabbi had just complemented him in a way he couldn't quite understand - what was all that about "the rock on which I will build my church" that Matthew wrote about? - but He did call him "blessed"!  That's pretty good, right?

Well, shortly thereafter, in what he thought was the same exercise of thoughtfulness and care for his Rabbi, Peter suggested that his Teacher was waaaay too good to even suggest such a fate, let alone contemplate it.  And for that - despite his good intentions - Peter got called something he probably understood really well - "Satan" - and was told to go to the back of the line.  Ouch.  Peter we know was a very proud man.  That HAD to hurt.  He had to have felt the desire to slink away, to disappear, if only to avoid any "I told you so" looks in the other disciples' eyes. 

I have ups and downs like that, and when I fall from a high to a low - say I go from a period of peace and grace and find myself back in signature, repetitive sin - I find myself really, really discouraged.  Like I want to give up.  Succumb to the temptation to believe I am not worthy to hang around with the Teacher.  Slink off back to my boats, my previous life, my sin.  

This is why Peter is such an inspiration to me.  He was proud and arrogant - as I am prone to be.  He was a sinner - like I am.  But he didn't slink away.  He stuck with his Teacher the best he could.  And eventually, when Jesus resurrected, the arrogant coward who betrayed his Savior thrice was transformed into the picture of courage and obedience.  

Father, when I am discouraged by my sinfulness and failure to follow You, let me not be discouraged.  Give me Peter's perseverance, that I might stay with You and be transformed as he was. In Jesus's name, and in His service.  

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