Thursday, February 11, 2021

Blog post 11th February

Blog post 11th February 

Exodus 32:1-33:23

Matthew 26:69-27:14

Psalm 33:1-11

Proverbs 8:33-38

Over the past few days I have been watching a series called 'The Chosen', and as I watched every episode I felt closer to Jesus. I found myself researching each disciple, I saw how Jesus loved everyone, despite their history. I saw how the disciples questioned Jesus, how he taught and healed. Throughout the series you can see how the plans of God can be seen through the generations of Abraham and Jacob.

Whilst watching this series I have been going through an internal storm. In the midst of this all I had been sold two faulty cars and on Saturday I had dropped the one car off for a service. Whilst waiting for the team to call me with hopefully good news, my anxiety started to build. It was during this time we were having a snow storm and all I could do was worry, "how was I going to get to work?".  Later on I continued to watch the series and at the end of the day the car dealership called and gave me the bad news that my car was damaged. I was upset and fear started to creep in. So I started to try and make a plan and whilst doing this I came across a saying from Toby Mac "Sometimes God holds you back temporarily until the road is safe and clear to continue. Be thankful for the stall." I thought Wow Ok Lord I am going to trust you in this storm. Next day came and it was time to go to work. I made it halfway and trains were cancelled, but I was able to catch a lift with a friend, but this meant how was I going to get home. I said a prayer and continued to praise Jesus during the day. In the afternoon my friend came to me and said I could stay with her. I thanked God for providing me a place to stay during the storm. God was there with me even when I was feeling troubled and I was reminded of the hardships the Jews had faced when watching the series.

I pray we stay grounded with Hope, be still and listen to Yahweh. To let God guide us with love and wisdom and trust. We can reflect this in Psalm because God is our creator, Lord, Savior and deliverer, he is worthy of our trust and praise. Because he is faithful and his word is dependable we can rejoice and sing giving thanks and praise.

God promises great blessings to his people, but many of these blessings require active participation. He will deliver us from fear, save us out of our troubles, guard and deliver us, show us goodness, supply our needs, listen when we talk to him, and redeem us, but we must do our part. We can appropriate his blessings when we seek him, cry out to him, trust him, fear him, refrain from lying, turn from evil, do good and seek peace, are humble and serve him.


You can too watch the series:

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