Exodus 34:1-35:9
Matthew 27:15-31
Psalm 33:12-22
Proverbs 9:1-6
Who did Jesus die for? The easy, obvious answer, is you and me. Pushed for a longer list, we might talk about spouses, our children and parents, our siblings, their spouses (if we like them!), friends and colleagues.
But then the question of worthiness might come to mind, and we might wonder about a few people - like that one guy at the office who's really mean to people. Or the aunt at Thanksgiving who can never seem to be grateful for anything. Or Uncle Billy, in prison again for 2-4 (wasn't this supposed to be the third strike, already?). Were they worthy? And then we start to think about ourselves and we wonder - are WE worthy?
As hard as it might be to believe, Jesus did die for the nasty colleague, the ungrateful aunt, and yes, even Uncle Billy. He also died for others who might seem even less worthy - like Barabbas. And Pilate - definitely Pilate. And the chief priests and the elders, who "persuaded the crowd to ask…to have Jesus executed." And everyone in the crowd - especially those who answered "His blood is on us and on our children!" And the soldiers who stripped Him, mocked Him, spat on Him. Even the ones who nailed him to the cross.
They all seemed terribly unworthy of Jesus's sacrifice. But guess what? Jesus died for all of them - for all of us. The psalmist alludes to why. It was never about us, or anyone, being worthy. We don't put our hope in our worth. We can't - because we ARE unworthy! We put our hope in Him, in His unfailing love.
Father, on the days we question whether or not Jesus died for us, the days we wonder why He would choose to do so, as unworthy as we know we are, remind us that it was never about us deserving Your love. It was always, and only, about You loving us regardless. Remind us that we ARE unworthy…but You love us nonetheless.
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