Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday bible blog post December 16th

"O Come Let Us Adore Him!"  (Micah 5:1-7:20, Revelation 7:1-17, Psalm 135: 1-21, Proverbs 30:5-6 - with a focus on Ps. 135:1)

It is day 16 of Advent.  We have had 15 days this month of looking forward to the coming, to the arrival of Christ.  But what have you been doing during this period of Advent?  How have you been actively looking forward to the coming of the King? 

I know that at Christmas time many children will make a Christmas list for their parents to have, a list of things they would like in the hope and anticipation of receiving them on Christmas day.  During our season of Advent we too can make a list in anticipation as well.  We can make a list of who God is, who our Savior and King is and share it with Him.  This list takes the form of praise.  Psalm 135:1 tells us, "Praise the name of the LORD; praise him, you servants of the LORD."  Why is it important to do this during our season of Advent (which is throughout the year not just the month of December)?  Because it reminds us of who is coming, who it is we are looking forward to with anticipation and hope.

This world has many dark days, much sadness and grief, it has loss and suffering, uncertainty, anxiety, hostility and so on.  John 8:12 tells us that Christ is the light of the world.  The nature of our God and our King is light.  His character, his being, his promises shine and when we lift up our praise to him it shines upon us.  It is like flipping on the light switch of hope and joy in our lives.

Our OT reading in Micah, NT reading in Revelation as well as our Psalm and Proverb all reveal attributes of our God and King that we can lift up to Him this Advent day.  Let us not just sit and wait but to look forward with lifted voices of Praise in anticipation and hope for the day we will get to meet and experience our God and our King face to face.

Possible praises we can lift up in anticipation and hope that came from our readings today:

"You are the Shepherd who leads." (Mic 5:4 & Rev 7:17)
"Lord you are strength and majestic is your name." (Mic 5:4)
"You are a God who loves mercy and humility and gave us mercy by humbly coming to us." (Mic 6:8)
"Lord I watch in hope for you, I wait for you my God and my savior, you hear me when I call out to you, you do not turn a deaf ear." (Mic 7:7)
"Lord you are my light in the darkness." (Mic 7:8)
"You pardon and forgive and delight in showing mercy and compassion." (Mic 7:18)
"Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!" (Rev 7:12)
"Lord you are good and I praise your name." (Ps. 135:3)
"We have a God who is in control, who makes the clouds rise and sends the rain and gives us what we need." (Ps. 135: 7)
"We praise you for your name endures forever, your renown, O Lord, remains through all generations." (Ps. 135:13)
"Lord each of your words is flawless; you are a shield for us to take refuge in." (Pr. 30:5)

These are just a few from today's reading but the bible is full of verses that give our voice Praise to Him.  Spend time during your season of Advent actively looking forward in anticipation by lifting up your voice in Praise to the King.

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