Jonah 1:1-4:11
Revelation 5:1-14
Psalm 133:1-3
Provers 29:26-27
I love the Jonah story. God finds a man worthy for His purposes, to preach His Word to a sinful people. In clear light of day, centuries hence, it is so easy to think "what a privilege! What idiot would refuse such a clear and direct call?" Jonah did. He ran from God, so God permitted circumstances that would direct Jonah back to Him. A bit extreme, I admit - first the storm, then he's thrown overboard, then he's swallowed by a fish, living in its belly for three days - but it appears Jonah had a stubborn heart, so it took all of that to turn him back to God.
Yet even after all that, his heart wasn't quite turned completely, was it? When he preached God's word, and the Ninevites repented, rather than rejoice, Jonah got angry. He dared say to God "I told you so!" But even then, after all his disobedience, God sought to change Jonah's heart. Rather than punish him for his obstinacy, rather than leave him alone, God remonstrates with Jonah - He bothers to explain why He chose to spare Nineveh.
This is our God: One who is merciful to the sinful, Who calls those who have strayed, and Who is patient with those Whom He sends, even when we struggle with our own sin and unbelief. This is our God Who is able to keep us safe in the storm and alive in the belly of a fish, the God for Whom nothing is beyond His willingness to do in order that we return to Him. Nothing - not even the sacrifice of His only Son.
I wish I could say I heard God often the way Jonah did. I wish I could say that when I did, I was quick to obey. And I wish that when He taught me a difficult lesson, I was humble enough to receive it. Sadly, I am too much like Jonah in my disobedience. Father, be gentle with me when I sin, but as You did with Jonah, please spare no effort to bring my heart back to You.
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