Monday, December 23, 2019

Bible blog post Monday December 23rd

Go tell it on the...wherever you are!!! (Rev. 14:6)

Proclaim!!!  The definition of the word proclaim is: to announce officially or publicly, declare something one considers important with due emphasis.  This is a verb that we see acted out throughout the Christmas story.

An angel came and proclaimed to Mary that she would become pregnant and give birth to a son whom she is to name Jesus. Another angel came in a dream to proclaim to Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife and he is to name the baby she will have Jesus.  Elizabeth proclaims that the baby in her womb leapt upon the arrival of pregnant Mary when she visited. Caesar Augustus made a proclamation when he issued the census that would caused Joseph to take Mary to Bethlehem.  After Mary gives birth to Jesus an Angel proclaims his birth to lowly shepherds who go and worship him.  Upon their return from seeking Jesus the Shepherds proclaimed, through their praise, all that they had experienced with this new born baby King.  Magi from the east entered Judea seeking the baby born and proceed to proclaim his identity by asking "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?  We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."  Simeon and Anna, in the temple after Jesus birth, both proclaimed the identity as well as the future ministry of this new born baby Jesus.

There are just a couple of days left to our Christmas Advent season this year.  Part of the celebration is to follow the example set for us and to continue to proclaim the good news of Jesus birth, identity, ministry, death and resurrection.  We need to proclaim the gospel message to those who live around us, who enter our lives.  It is our advent action as we look forward to his coming.

Revelation 14:6 says "Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people."  This proclamation is set at the end of the second season of Advent, upon Jesus return.  The angels have been setting an example and proclaiming the gospels arrival and fulfillment.  Let us no delay but join in with the proclamation now.  Let us share the good news of Christ coming both of past and future and the hope and joy of the promises it brings.  Let us not just proclaim Merry Christmas to those around us but proclaim the gospel behind what Christmas truly means.  That is sharing the true hope of Advent.

I wish you all a blessed Christmas by living in expectation of the joy and hope and peace that comes from us seeking and finding the one with whom Christmas is all about, Jesus.

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