Exodus 29:1-30:10
Matthew 26:14-46
Psalm 31:19-24
Proverbs 8:14-26
(First, apologies for the tardiness of this blog. I was traveling all day yesterday.)
Has your sinfulness ever left you feeling hopeless? Have you ever believed the sins you committed were so great they were beyond God's forgiveness? Today's reading suggests that isn't true; that God's forgiveness covers every sin, and it is our response that makes the difference.
Consider the betrayal of Jesus. We like to focus on greedy Judas, and his self enrichment of thirty pieces of silver. But we seldom consider cowardly Peter, and his self preservation of denial. The fact is, they both betrayed Jesus, and they both chose to betray Him to His suffering and death.
We know, however, that these two men of similar sinfulness meet different earthly ends. Judas, overwhelmed by the magnitude of his sin, hangs himself. Peter, overwhelmed as well to the point of tears, takes no such action. He cries, then he goes and hides. His cowardly paralysis gives God the time and opportunity to work in his life, to change him from coward fearful of sharing his Rabbi's fate, to servant who accepted death for the sake of the Gospel; one who, when facing the same death his master suffered - tradition suggests - asked to be crucified upside down, deeming himself unworthy to die as Jesus had.
It is easy to get discouraged, to give in to helplessness and hopelessness in the face of our persistent sinfulness. Father when we are lost, help us not to fall into despair. Teach us to trust that we are work in progress in Your hands, and to allow You the time to work of us and in us what You will.
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