Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Feb. 27

Matthew 9

God's Glory

You and I have sometimes wished that we could see Christ in His earthly glory. We need not however wish it; for, if such a sight were permitted to us, in all probability we should be more full of fear than joy. - Charles Spurgeon

The account of the transfiguration always fascinated me.  It wasn't light from an outside source the disciples saw, it was the actual light radiating from within the Son of God. Perhaps the miracle which should capture our hearts and imaginations even more than God's glory being revealed on that mount top is the miracle of how Jesus was able to contain His glory from being displayed while walking with us on earth.  Yet Jesus reserved this moment for these three men. Why? Peter, James and John had to be changed that day. They saw first hand that as great as Moses and Elijah were, they were no where near the level of Jesus. As King over all God's Kingdom, Jesus had just told His disciples that He was "going the way of the cross and that they should follow Him".  How easy it would be for them to lose confidence after such a frightening, negative, and confusing truth bomb was dumped on them. Perhaps, through this dramatic revelation, Jesus was showing them, and is showing us, His followers, that cross bearers will one day be glory receivers.  The cloud that shadowed over them is a familiar cloud. It's the same Shekinah glory that accompanied the Israelites through Exodus, and later also appeared to Mary.  It was the same voice which confirmed Jesus' identity at His baptisim that confirmed Jesus is the blessed Son on that mountain top. The same glory the disciples saw on that mountain is the same glory we will see when Jesus returns.  The Shekinah glory of God will be displayed the day our Lord Jesus triumphantly returns to earth. I don't know about anyone else reading this, but I wish I was on that mountain top. Whether I would I be filled with fear or awe, like the disciples who witnessed the event, I would never be the same. Lord, show me Your glory.


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